The goal in sportsmanship is not to win at all costs, but to pursue victory with honor. This requires four key values: fairness, integrity, responsibility, and respect. These translate into civic virtues as well.
The Rose Bowl Institute will recognize, promote and award sportsmanship at all levels and by all stakeholders in sports and society.

One man practicing sportsmanship is far better than a hundred teaching it.

ROSI Award
As part of the process of recognizing and promoting sportsmanship, the Institute created the ROSI Awards. Given each year, the ROSIES will begin with Sportsperson of the Year, nominated from award winners in professional sports, NCAA, and amateur venues. The awards will then expand to include sportsmanship in college, in amateur sports, and in local communities, and acts of sportsmanship by players, coaches, parents, fans, referees, and sports writers and broadcasters.

Sportsmanship as Citizenship
The Rose Bowl Institute partnerd with national social justice nonprofit RISE to present a bi-coastal critical conversation on the theme of “Sportsmanship as Citizenship.” The event came from two locations – the iconic Rose Bowl Stadium and the ESPN Seaport District Studios in New York at the foot of the Brooklyn Bridge.
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ROSI Table Dialogues
The Rose of Sportscasting and Journalism in Promoting Sportsmanship in Society - Spring 2022
This Rose Table Dialogue will engage sportscasters and writers to address ways the public can see more acts of sportsmanship in coverage of games and other aspects of the sport. How do sports journalists and game-casters bring these heroic and generous acts into their coverage? What else can they do to advance these positive values in sports while being true to their professions?
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Sportsmanship Stories
The Rose Bowl Institute is calling for stories of sportsmanship from every level of sports, every community, and every participant in the sport, from player to coach, from parent to fan, and from referee to league coordinator. Every time a sport is played participants enjoy the thrill of competition and an appreciation for the game. The Institute will call for and collect stories of how sportsmanship arises in these situations, and what it means to the people involved. Eventually, we will make the most compelling stories available via podcast and/or Rose Talk.
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